Toll for alternative drives

Questions and answers

  • From 1 January 2024, trucks equipped with CNG/LNG drives in Euro emission class 6 will be subject to tolls.

  • Zero-emission vehicles such as electric and hydrogen vehicles as well as vehicles with a hydrogen fuel cell will remain exempt from the toll until the end of 2025. Vehicles up to 4.25 tonnes TPMLM with these types of drive remain permanently exempt from the toll.

  • Zero-emission vehicles will initially remain exempt from the toll until 31 December 2025.

    In the subsequent period, only a 75 per cent partial toll rate for infrastructure costs and the toll rates for external costs for air pollution and noise pollution are payable for these vehicles.

    At this stage, it can be assumed that for zero-emission vehicles the partial toll rate for the external costs of CO2 emissions will be 0.

    Zero-emission vehicles up to 4.25 tonnes TPMLM even remain permanently toll-exempt.

  • In accordance with the EU Directive on infrastructure costs or the VECTO directive, a CO₂-neutral fuel currently has no effect on the specific CO₂ emissions or CO2 emission class. (VECTO = Vehicle Energy Consumption Calculation Tool)

  • Zero-emission means a heavy goods vehicle without an internal combustion engine and a vehicle with an internal combustion engine whose emissions are less than 1 gCO₂/kWh or less than 1 gCO₂/km (directive (EU) 2019/1242).

    The CO₂ emission class finder allows zero-emission fuel types/energy sources to be specified, for example for a pure electric vehicle or a hydrogen-powered vehicle.